Beyond Planning For Life

Beyond Planning For Life

A peaceful life has more to offer than a beautiful day at the beach.  Tending to urgent matters proactively frees up time for breathers such as this.  Look to this blog for ideas to clear your schedule so you can have more of those “lazy” rejuvenating moments.

Shopping Organic? Check out the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15.

Posted by on Sep 30, 2015 in Budgeting, Detox, healthy living, Nutritional Support | Comments Off on Shopping Organic? Check out the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15.

Shopping organic broke my budget until the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15 rescued me!

The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15, lists of highly contaminated produce and those not so, respectively, are easing my organic shopping experience. Indeed such meticulous shopping had been overwhelming to lil ole me and my lil ole  budget. But when I was challenged with a conversation with a very bright, fairly well-educated person who stated that it was unnecessary to choose organic produce.  I was surprised since there has been overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Sure there is produce Dirty Dozen Foodsgrown conventionally that is safe enough, but those on the Dirty Dozen list seem to be the most inviting, especially while in season. (Imagine strawberries melting in your mouth…yum!)  And because of their appeal, some otherwise thoughtful people may just want to overlook the safety of what they are eating.

While I wondered what her information resource was, it occurred to me that she might have heard the evidence but not accept it simply because the evidence is indeed overwhelming. And in more ways than one. It seems that once a fact is learned, the change required creates an emotional response. (All change is stressful.) Seemingly, when it impacts finances, an additional stronger emotional issue presents itself. 

Dirty DozenIt’s overwhelming to think that choosing the “more affordable” produce has the potential of costing more in the long run, in the form of doctor bills, diagnostic tests, harsh treatments, time spent in the hospital or in transit for treatments, the cost of wigs and special prostheses. Then there’s the anxiety that accompanies the wait for test results, not to mention the final good-byes that often result. (I have first-hand experience on this topic and do not mention this callously, but I can’t help but wonder if eating more selectively could actually be a better “affordable healthcare” plan.)

Yes, it is overwhelming to think that organic foods are more costly than conventional foods that have been rising in price themselves. How is one to feed a family with quality food under these circumstances?  Can we say “garden”? Dirty DozenIs that out of reach? Then, can we say “farmers market”? At least the produce is fresher(that is with less need for preservatives), if not certifiably organic. If the big box store is the only option, can we suggest skipping the traditional treat aisles full of chips, ice cream, cookies, and other irresistible sugary and salty processed foods so that a few organic items can fit into the budget?  Now that’s another overwhelming change. But small changes add up to big improvements. That’s what I’m talking about.

The Dirty Dozen is not the sole reason for being overwhelmed while menu planning and pantry stocking. It’s challenging to sort through the conflicting information brought by special interest groups such as Monsanto, who among many others, lobbied to keep GMO information off labeling so that many will merrily fill their shopping carts with convenient and tasty but disastrously damaging meal choices. (I struggled here. I was about to write “food” choices, but most of what lands in grocery cart is not real food. Sorry. Food should be fuel, not just satisfying to the taste-buds and the bottomless pit of a belly. Most of the convenient processed food just dissolves into sugar and then solidifies to fat, or so it seems.) That challenge is more complicated to manage since packaging is designed to keep us in the dark. But the question of what produce to choose and which ones to forego has been simplified.

Okay. Okay. Let me lighten up and make this easy. I repeat, some produce does not need to be organic. It depends upon the types and number of pesticides that were used on the fruit or veggie crop. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) provides detailed explanation about this, and while you’re there, you’ll find the Clean Fifteen™, those that don’t have to be organic. To assist you when shopping, EWG has a handy list of the Dirty Dozen™  on bag tags to make your time in the produce department not so…you know… overwhelming.

Shop safely.

(If you’re like me, and just can’t stick to the better choices, you may want to consider doing a detox now and then. Don’t let that scare you. There are gentle ways to do that so that all you need is a glass of water and a reasonable distance to the bathroom.  Click to read about the one I use.

Urinary Inconvenience…The elephant in the room

Posted by on Sep 29, 2015 in healthy living, Men's Health, Women's Health | Comments Off on Urinary Inconvenience…The elephant in the room

Urinary inconvenience…just another euphemism for the elephant in the room. Yet a surprising 85% of men and women over the age of 40 experience inconvenient untimely urinary leaks in some degree or another. It’s no wonder supermarkets have shelves and shelves of panty liners and shields of all shapes and sizes. Yet for all the space those items take up in stores, carts, and closets, not much space is given in our conversations to learn  more about this.  Maybe its mention will make it worse?  Maybe we’ll feel we’ve lost our youth?  Maybe we didn’t realize that young’uns with a mere 40 years on them could have begun to lose bladder viability? Or that 85% of adults suffer with this? Whatever the hang-up about this subject, knowledge is power, so let’s learn a little more about this common condition. (Some of the tips below might seem like just plain old common sense, but I never thought #6 was possible.  Is there one you’re surprised to see listed?)

In the September edition of TriVita’s VitaJournal, obstetrician/gynecologist Dr. Brittany Stam provides considerable information and tips about this common problem. According to Dr. Stam, the involuntary leakage of urine is a problem affecting 200 million people worldwide. Of the 25 million Americans suffering from some form of this challenge, 75-80% of these are women. In Canada, this number is an estimated 3.3 million which is an astounding 10% of the population!

Don’t be like those other 11 people.

Despite the high success rates in treating incontinence, research shows that only one out of every 12 people affected seeks help. Don’t be like those other 11 people. According to studies by the National Association for Continence, on average, women wait six and one-half years from the first time they experience symptoms until they get a diagnosis for their bladder management problems. It’s apparent that many of us are embarrassed and remaining silent. pair-624071_1280 (1)The truth is that while this is twice as common in women as men, men are also affected. Among men, 11-34% of those over age 65 have some form of this “plumbing problem”. Still, medical literature indicates that only 22% of men will seek care for it, compared with 45% of women. What men and women both need to understand is that there are many effective management options for this dilemma.


There are three basic types:

Stress: People with stress leakage of urine when they laugh, cough, sneeze or do anything that “stresses” the belly. Stress is most common in women.

Urge: People with urgency feel a strong, sudden need to urinate. Often the urge is so strong that they can’t make it to the bathroom in time.

Mixed: People with symptoms of both “stress” and “urge.”

The choice of treatment depends on the type and severity of the problem you have and what fits your lifestyle. The best approach is often to try natural methods and lifestyle changes first before moving on to medications and possibly surgery.

1) Reduce the amount of liquid you drink, especially a few hours before bed.
2) Cut down on any foods or drinks that make your symptoms worse (alcohol, caffeine, or spicy or acidic foods).
3) Quit smoking.
4) If you are overweight, lose weight.
5) If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible.
6) Train your bladder by urinating on a set schedule; slowly extend the time between bathroom trips.


Exercises for your pelvic floor muscles called Kegels are a great way for women to help control symptoms:

• Locate your pelvic muscles by stopping the flow of urine midstream.
• Now that you know where those muscles are, a few times per day imagine that
you are trying to hold a ball inside your vagina and you don’t want to let it drop.
• Hold those muscles for a count of three. Do this 10 times.
• Your goal is to do at least three sets of 10 each day.

Depending on the severity of your incontinence, your doctor may feel that you would benefit from medications or surgery in addition to pelvic floor exercises. Remember: you are not alone, so discuss your problem with your doctor.

*Dr. Brittany Stam is an obstetrician/gynecologist at MomDoc in Chandler, AZ.
If you are interested in learning about TriVita’s new Bladder Shield™, HERE
Regarding the $50 Gift Card mentioned earlier, it can be to used towards any of TriVita products. (U.S. and Canada first time customers only). You only need to pay shipping & handling & taxes. To learn more, click HERE.

Have questions or want to chat? You can reach me at any time at 706-621-3717. I look forward to hearing from you.


Independent TriVita Business Owner #13873775


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


References: urinary-incontinence
Prevalence of urinary incontinence in men, women, and children. 2010; Urology, 76 (2): 265. incontinence?source=search_result&- search=urinary+incontinence&selectedTitle=1%7E150
This article is intended for educational purposes only

Bladder: Key to a winning season

Posted by on Sep 29, 2015 in healthy living, Men's and Women's Health Support, Men's Health, Women's Health | Comments Off on Bladder: Key to a winning season

Football season is upon us; many of us will be squeezed into bleachers to root for our favorite team, hoping for a flawless season. If the score is close enough, the stands will stay packed. No self-respecting fan would consider leaving a seat except to rise, wave team colors, and scream until it hurts. Until…

Oh Oh! The ball is passed to the very poorest player on the team, Weak Bladder. His name isn’t a household word, but you know it’s Bladder because he’s wearing #1 on his jersey. Weak Bladder now becomes the key player in the stadium, causing a mad dash to the restroom.pair-624071_1280 (1) If you haven’t been tackled by fellow teammates (85% of the over 40 crowd are in this league) and fans, you find a serpentine line of those who are stomping their feet and  crossing their legs, all in hopes of making it to the most coveted seat in the stadium…the toilet…and all in hopes to scoring a winning “touchdown.”

All the rush and excitement you’re experiencing is much like what’s happening near the goal post outside.  But sometimes it doesn’t end well. Bladder has the ball, is dashing to the end zone, straight for the goal posts for the winning play, with no one near him. With just seconds to go, there’s a lot of hoopla in the stands when the disappointment takes over.  Bladder fumbles and drops the ball! Oh, so close!

How many times have you been on your way home with the slight urge to “go”? With confidence, you pass up rest stops and public facilities along the way, certain you can make it to the comfort and privacy of your own personal “locker room”? You enter your home to discover that the distance to your bathroom has seemingly expanded to be the length of a football field. You drop your keys, packages, and maybe even the toddler you’ve been toting, so that you can drop your drawers, or your fly,  in time.

The excitement is overwhelming! You’ve made it to the end zone!  Will there be a touchdown?

It’s a … Aw…a fumble! What could have been a perfectly executed drop kick to the goal post becomes an uncomfortable, inconvenient drip. Or several. Often more than several. What was to be a victory dance has become a time to sing “Locker Room Blues” while taking an extra shower and changing into fresh clothes.

Maybe having #1 on Bladder’s jersey is a bad idea.

No matter what your favorite sport or pastime, having these “special events” is just no fun at all. Yet there are a few strategies to strengthen your weak bladder and enjoy your time away from home.  Some are easy and well-known, yet at least one player has been recruited recently to keep you in your game.

I am an Independent TriVita Business Owner with TriVita, and I am proud to announce a new strong leader on the wellness playing field:  TriVita’s  Bladder Shield™. bladder shield image Note that it’s jersey number is 24/7.

Shield yourself with confidence.

Healthy bladder function is important for health and vitality; unfortunately, as many as 25 million adults may experience some form of bladder weakness, including the frequent urge to “go”.  This can negatively affect emotional health—and reduce quality of life.1-3 Designed to give you back your confidence, Bladder Shield is backed by modern science to support a strong bladder, comfort and function. Available in easy-to-swallow capsules, Bladder Shield™ offers a proprietary blend of traditional herbs from India, China and Europe, including:

Lindera extract—this root has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine for kidney and bladder wellness, specifically for frequent urination and loss of bladder viability.4,5

Horsetail extract—a time-tested herb for bladder comfort in Europe, horsetail extract is traditionally used to relieve discomfort associated with urinary leakage and supports kidney and bladder wellness.6

Three-leaf caper extract—used for centuries in Ayurveda, India’s traditional herbal system, to support the muscles of the bladder and urinary function by improving tone in the bladder wall.7,8


If you’re interested in trying Bladder Shield™, click here to learn more.

I can also give you a $50 Gift Card to use towards TriVita products. (U.S. and Canada first time customers only).  You only need to pay shipping, handling & taxes.  To learn more, click HERE.

Have questions?  You can reach me at 706-583-9111. I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you the best in health and wellness,


Independent TriVita Business Owner #13873775

2 Robinson D et al. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1998; 91: 224.
3 Coyne K et al. Value in Health, 2004; 7: 4.
4 Bensky and Gamble. Chinese Herbal Materia Medica, 1993.
5 Shimomura M et al. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2010; 38: 561.
7 activeingredientid=843&activeingredientname=horsetail
8 Agarwal S et al. Pharmacological Research, 2010; 31: 361.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.







Analysis Paralysis

Posted by on Mar 21, 2013 in goals, planning life | Comments Off on Analysis Paralysis

So, now that I’ve gone beyond the talk stage and actually pressed the publish button for the first time yesterday, there’s no turning back. I’m committed. I’ve finally gotten past planning and am moving forward. Waiting for take-off has been draining. Plagued by procrastination, which is only the desire to have everything done perfectly, I excused my inertia by smugly sitting in Quadrant Two, thinking that was the better part. I do thank Stephen Covey, author of “Seven Habits of Highly Successful People” and “First Things First”, for clearly and rightly justifying the need to spend time planning and doing other reflective activities. And of all of them, there is none more essential than taking time to pray and seek direction from the One who knows and loves me and knows all the circumstances concerning me. Since He had me in mind before the beginning of time, there isn’t anything about me that will shock Him. He knows my dilemmas that keep my wheels spinning. He’s been there many times to push me out of the ruts I create for myself. Is He frustrated with me? Maybe, but not any more than I am. Well, I’m on the launch pad now and I’ve started the engines. It’s an exhilarating feeling…scary too. I’ve heard it and so have you: Do what you fear and it will lose its power over you.
The perfection plague…how it paralyzes! Webmaster Webster tells me that a blog space is the place to be imperfect. Why is that? Doing the fearful? Exposing ourselves to hostility perhaps, or at the least, criticism. What a great exercise!
Yes, for whatever reason, “sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits” for more time than I want to admit. I’m finally going beyond planning. Look out Universe!

It’s academic, my dear.

Posted by on Feb 27, 2013 in Direct Sales Success | Comments Off on It’s academic, my dear.

It’s academic, my dear.


Success in a home-based business, and in particular,  a network marketing business, depends on the willingness to learn, and takes the same disciplines that are needed to earn a degree.

For some, learning is a challenge due to academic difficulties during elementary school and high school. Dropout rates have always been disappointing, and the disappointment that dropouts experience after a short-lived exhilaration of freedom becomes a prison.  Sadly, most dropouts are uncomfortable in any learning environment whether it be a Library or a Museum or a craft class or PTO meetings.  It’s no wonder that it appears dropouts beget dropouts.
If you are a drop out and do not fit that description, congratulations. You’ve dealt with a self-esteem issue and realized you can succeed in academics and learning in general.
For those who earned degrees and are satisfied with that education, you may discover there is a lot more to learn. It is said that life-long learners remain more cognitively intact in their later years than do others.
Having been in network marketing for a number of years and having earned several advanced degrees, It became apparent to me that the steps and strategies I used in graduate school can be applied to the learning process that leads to success in a home-based business,  particularly network marketing.
Those with degrees will recognize the similarities. Those drop-outs who are pushing forward past their insecurities can be assured that the strategies you’ll use as an adult learner are considerably different from what you experienced in elementary or high school.
I’ll be sharing some of those similarities in future posts.


Breaking the silence

Posted by on Jun 17, 2012 in goals | Comments Off on Breaking the silence

So, after a long absence, I’m here once again. I do have a compelling reason to break my silence. I’m part of an accountability group and I stated I would post today. There’s something about saving face by keeping my word. I know it’s just a matter of getting in the groove, so I don’t begrudge this at all. As you will find out soon enough that I live with the perpetual struggle to focus and get things finished. That’s my plight and it may be yours. Maybe you have some tips??

The title of this site is such because there’s only so much planning you can do, then it’s time to get beyond that. It’s said by many coaches and inspirational gurus that action actually must follow the plan.

It’s good that all these posts have dates. That alone can be motivation to be consistent. So…enough said. Mission accomplished.
I also said I’d email a few folks that may be waiting on me. Sent some already, but maybe one or two before I close up shop…

Safety Tips for Fall Semester

Posted by on Sep 1, 2011 in healthy living | Comments Off on Safety Tips for Fall Semester

Safety Tips for Fall Semester

It’s just weeks into the fall semester here in University Town, USA.  Football season has started and so have the traffic jams.  It’s not necessarily the paying customer fans that heat up the highways and byways.  We permanent residents, the locals, if you must put it that way, have two options that are popular:  Go to the game and go with the flow (actually no flow, since the traffic is jammed), or run errands just between kick-off and the last minutes of play.  During those few hours, the stores are quiet except for the game being broadcast. It’s probably the safest time ever to be on the roads during the fall semester.   And after the game is the most deadly time, win or lose.

After several years during this season, I’ve recognized that even experienced defensive drivers are at risk when young drivers are behind the wheel catching up on their “correspondence”.  I am still appalled when I see anyone taking a turn through a busy intersection with their phone up to his ear, and now with texting, which can be done somewhat surreptisioulsy, we can be lulled into a false sense of safety.

The need to be in touch with others all the time blocks out thinking that can bring one to their realities.   The reality that there might need some changes made, the reminder to call someone who has been promised a call, revelation that there could be a marvelous purpose in life beyond what’s evident now, and a strategy to put that purpose into action.

I’ve witnessed students and co-workers, usually young ones, who incessantlty talked on their cell phones during their breaks, often loudly arguing over the same topics each day, no doubt boring the other end to death, when right in front of them were people who had wisdom and experience that could enrich them if they just got into the conversations right in their midst.

Being in University Town is a learning experience, as I guess it should be, and a challenge daily, but especially as the newcomers begin to navigate this new environment, on the roads and on technology.



A Little Bit of Christmas in July

Posted by on Aug 1, 2011 in planning life | Comments Off on A Little Bit of Christmas in July

A Little Bit of Christmas in July

For me and mine, July seems to be the busiest month of the year, almost outweighing the November to January span of time.   Natch, there’s the Fourth’s festivities, and on its heels is Baba’s birthday, followed by other anniversaries and birthdays galore, capping the month off with a info-ed-cation (information/education/vacation) in hot hot hot AZ.

The highlight, however, is Baba’s birthday party.   This year it was in hot hot hot Hotlanta, GA, so that friends and fam could easily land at Hartsfield International Airport and catch a cab to the hotel where we all lived, ate, and visited for several days.  For those fam members living on the various US coasts, it was an easy commute compared to landing and then driving 2 hours to her place.

Baba was turning 98.  (That means she’s lived 98 years, I keep telling myself.)  Baba, who just stopped driving about three years ago. Baba, who reupholstered a sofa and made lined drapes at the age of 92.  There’s a whole lot to say about her.  The best being that she’s a bright, sociable friend, a great listener, and a kind and patient mother and grandmother.  (She’s had lots of opportunity to demonstrate that, having had nine children, 21 grandkids, and an every increasing number of great-grandkids.)

She’s also a tenacious card player.  With the ride from one of her younger friends, she goes to the senior center at least three times a week for canasta and other games I don’t understand. She’s as independent about living her life as anyone can be.

Her card playing inspired her family to have a special cane made for her.  It was beautifully hand carved with hearts, clubs, diamonds, and spades grooved in, as well as a exquisitely detailed Queen of Hearts etched into the handle. She’s proudly taken it to her card games ever since.

We know she may not use it for long.  We know she may be gone by next year.  She’s so strong that she could live another 3 or 4 years, but then, we never know when any of us will go.  Yet that would not concern anyone who’s made arrangements for their future, and I’m not talking about “final arrangements”, but rather  Beyond Planning.

Having known several people who lived past 100, I’ve learned that it’s not such an exciting experience.  So many are limited by sight, hearing, and mobility issues.  I guess that’s why Baba has always taken great care of herself, challenging her brain as well as her physical strength and wellness.  She’s been doing prevention and maintenance for years, and it shows.

Her birthday this year may be her last, but she experienced a joyful reunion with her grandkids and kids, as well as literally walked away with an emblem of her independence.

The more I reflect on this season, the phrase “Christmas in July” pops up.  There were quite a few similarities and some striking differences as well.  This gives me an idea for a December note. Until then, celebrate today, celebrate the opportunity you have to do some “beyond planning” , and like Baba, play the hand you’re dealt while you can.